HTML Templates via JavaScript Template Literals
JS let emotion = `happy` ; let sentence = `Chris is feeling ${ emotion } ` ; Besides the variable interpolation in there being mighty handy, the do multi-line strings wonderfully, making them great for chunks of HTML: js const some_html = ` <div class="module"> <h2> ${ data . title } </h2> <p> ${ data . content } </p> </div> ` ; That doesn't look overly different than JSX does it?! Maybe we'd do something like that as a React component: class MyModule extends React . Component { render ( ) { return < div class = "module" > < h2 > { this . props . title } < / h2 > < p > { this . props . content } < / p > < / div > ; } } But what if we don't really need React, or any other fairly-large-ish JavaScript framework? What if the only thing we want is the ability to render HTML templates and also really efficie...