
Showing posts from September, 2017

HTML Templates via JavaScript Template Literals

JS let emotion = `happy` ; let sentence = `Chris is feeling ${ emotion } ` ; Besides the variable interpolation in there being mighty handy, the do multi-line strings wonderfully, making them great for chunks of HTML: js const some_html = ` <div class="module"> <h2> ${ data . title } </h2> <p> ${ data . content } </p> </div> ` ; That doesn't look overly different than JSX does it?! Maybe we'd do something like that as a React component: class MyModule extends React . Component { render ( ) { return < div class = "module" > < h2 > { this . props . title } < / h2 > < p > { this . props . content } < / p > < / div > ; } } But what if we don't really need React, or any other fairly-large-ish JavaScript framework? What if  the only thing we want  is the ability to render HTML templates and also  really efficie...

Dealing with People Who Don’t Value Web Designers

If you spend a bit of time in the web design industry, you’ll undoubtedly run into someone who just doesn’t understand the value in what you do. What’s amazing is that, even in this high-tech world in which we live, there are still those who think that anyone can do our jobs. Years ago it seemed very common. As a  young designer  I can remember a few co-workers (and even my boss) literally having no idea what I did. But in those days, web design was a fairly new concept in the mainstream and so I never took it as any sort of malevolent ignorance. It was just a matter of not everyone being up-to-speed with what was happening just yet. But now technology is everywhere. People hold the entire web in their hands. And yet, we still run into people who think we’re all hipster rip-off artists. Recently I had an encounter like this and I was a bit puzzled. The inference this person gave was that, because they themselves could make a few clicks and perform a few tasks, web design...