
Showing posts from August, 2018

How To Influence Your Web Clients To Accept Your Expert Suggestions

How To Influence Your Web Clients To Accept Your Expert Suggestions You’ve probably had a few web design clients who didn’t see the value in some of your work. Maybe you created a stunning minimal design and they wanted you to increase the size of their logo. Or, perhaps you created a simple web form to capture leads and they wanted to add five questions to the form. These things happen when clients don’t understand the marketing methodology behind design. No matter how much you explain the importance of microcopy in relation to the labels on a web form, your client may not understand. You won’t be able to train your clients overnight, but you can change the conversations you have with them. This requires limiting the choices you give clients during the design process. The fewer choices your clients have, the less likely they are to become fixated on design elements that don’t serve them. Maintain control of the project at all times If you’ve ever wondered why ...

Why Stock Photos Are Essential for Web Site Design

Why Stock Photos Are Essential for Web Site Design As you design your website, you might think that images are a “nice to have” element that don’t serve much of a purpose beyond looking good. But images on your website do so much more than paint a pretty picture. Images can consist of photographs, info-graphics, cartoons, GIFs or other visual elements. If you’re using photos, Yellow Pages offers low-cost options for producing high-quality, professional shots of your business. There are also many websites where you can license stock images instead of commissioning original photography. There can be a huge range in quality when it comes to stock photos, so it’s important to make sure your selections feel fresh and don’t look overly staged or hokey. You might also want to check out the websites of your competition to make sure they aren’t using the same stock shots. Effectively used, images can help drive more visitors to your website, promote social sharing and ultimately he...

Let's Learn About Web Site, Types of Website, Web Page and Types of Web Page

Website Website is a collection of related web pages Types of Website Based on access mode website can be 2 types  Informative : We can perform only Read and Open. Interactive : We can perform Both Read & Write, Open & Close (e.g.,, Web Page The Web Page is a single document on a website that displays text, image, audio, video, graphics etc. Webpage are basic building block of website Types of Web Page Web Page is 2 Types Static Web Page Dynamic Web Page

मेरी इक्यावन कविताएँ अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी :: Meri Ekyavan Kavitayen Atal Bihari Vajpayee

मेरी इक्यावन कविताएँ अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी आओ फिर से दिया जलाएँ हरी हरी दूब पर पहचान गीत नहीं गाता हूँ न मैं चुप हूँ न गाता हूँ गीत नया गाता हूँ ऊँचाई कौरव कौन, कौन पांडव दूध में दरार पड़ गई मन का संतोष झुक नहीं सकते दूर कहीं कोई रोता है जीवन बीत चला मौत से ठन गई राह कौन सी जाऊँ मैं? मैं सोचने लगता हूँ हिरोशिमा की पीड़ा नए मील का पत्थर मोड़ पर आओ मन की गांठें खोलें नई गाँठ लगती यक्ष प्रश्न क्षमा याचना स्वतंत्रता दिवस की पुकार अमर आग है परिचय आज सिन्धु में ज्वार उठा है जम्मू की पुकार कोटि चरण बढ़ रहे ध्येय की ओर निरन्तर गगन मे लहरता है भगवा हमारा उनकी याद करें अमर है गणतंत्र सत्ता मातृपूजा प्रतिबंधित कण्ठ-कण्ठ में एक राग है आए जिस-जिस की हिम्मत हो एक बरस बीत गया जीवन की ढलने लगी साँझ पुनः चमकेगा दिनकर कदम मिलाकर चलना होगा पड़ोसी से रोते रोते रात सो गई बुलाती तुम्हें मनाली अंतरद्वंद्व बबली की दिवाली अपने ही मन से कुछ बोलें मनाली मत जइयो देखो हम बढ़ते ही जाते जंग न होने देंगे आओ! मर्दो नामर्द बनो सपना टूट गया मुख्य प्रष्ठ- अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी